New Book Offers Roadmap for End of Life Journey

New Book Offers Roadmap for End of Life Journey

Someone you love is dying.  Feeling overwhelmed?  Uncertain what to do next?

In Someone I Love is Dying, you’ll find a roadmap for supporting a loved one through their end of life journey.  Scheduled to be released in February 2017 by Heart in Hand Books Ltd., Someone I Love is Dying, helps you focus on the most important things in the time that remains after a loved one has been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.

Rich in examples and practical advice, you’ll find information on a wide range of topics such as dealing with healthcare professionals, identifying sources of financial assistance, clarifying your loved one’s final wishes and directives, and taking the time to preserve memories.  Included are practical suggestions for taking care of yourself to help you support and care for your loved one.  Checklists and forms help you navigate the decisions and tasks that lie ahead.

The cover art for Someone I Love is Dying features swans – a symbol of elegance and grace – something we all hope to have in our final hours of life. They also represent strong relationships (lovers and parents). Swans are a monogamous species and can suffer from a broken heart if widowed or divorced due to a nesting failure.

Many thanks to Carol Hyland with CS Creatives for the book cover design that does a beautiful job of capturing the emotions behind the book.